Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 8, 2013

The #1 Earning Page on the SPI Blog


How are you? I hope all is well!

I just wanted to give you a quick tip today, which is something that I use on my own blog that is a win for you because it will help you make extra money, and a win for your readers because you'll be helping them out too.

What is it?

A resource or tools page.

It's totally underused in the online and blogging world (in my opinion), but it totally rocks.
 As you can see, a resource page is simply a page (not a post), on your blog or website that has links to things that are useful for you and your readers in your specific niche.

On my resource page, for example, I have links to hosting companies, shopping carts, keyword research tools, books, etc. - anything an upcoming online entrepreneur might find useful.

The trick is this: about 90% of these links are affiliate links, meaning I will get paid a commission each time someone purchases or uses a service that I recommend on that page.

Each month, I see $3000+ come directly from this page alone. It's non-aggressive, because I'm not forcing anyone to view it or pitching anything like a salesmen, and people find it helpful too because everything they need is conveniently located in one spot.

So, if you haven't done so already, you should really consider creating a resource page for your site. Here are some final tips that you can take with you:

Make sure you provide an easy way to access your resource page. A link in your navigation menu/bar does the trick for me.
On the resource page itself, categorize the kinds of links you place on the page. It will make it easier to scan through, so people can get exactly what they might be looking for.
Don't forget to include your favorite books from The commissions are small from these books, but you also get a piece of any other products that person buys when they are sent to Amazon from your specific link.
Don't forget to use some kind of tracking method to keep track of how many pageviews you have, and how many clicks you get for each link. You can use a tool such as or in order to do this.
The best products and links to place on your resource page are ones that you've actually used before, which have helped you learn something valuable that others should learn too.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this week' tip! Here's to you and your online success.



Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 8, 2013

TEAM Up with other marketers...


Welcome to the second issue of the "$10k Every Month" crash course!

If you like the idea of making a lot of money, but you do not like the idea of creating your own products, then -

You may want to consider affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is when two marketers come together - one with a product and one with an audience - and they split the profits on any sales they make together. The affiliate sends traffic to the product creator's sales page, and the product creator closes the sale and gives a commission to the affiliate for every paid referral.

You can become an affiliate for nearly anything - from Dell computers to beer-making machines to books and products on sites like Amazon.

However, when you're an affiliate for physical products, you generally receive a small commission - perhaps only 5% or 10%. That means if you're selling a $100 product, you'll only get $5 or $10 for every paid referral you send to the merchant.

Important: Don't discard affiliate marketing just yet. You see, if you promote downloadable products like ebooks, you can get as much as 50%, 75% or even a full 100% commission for every product you sell!

Now imagine those sorts of commissions on a $100 product, and you can see how the money will pile up pretty quickly in your bank account!

Here's an overview of how to make your fortune with affiliate marketing:

1) Find a hungry market. Some people find a product and then go looking for a market. A better way to do it is to find a hungry market that's flush with cash first (because finding a product is the easy part).

2) Find out what this market is already buying. The easiest way to make money online is to sell what people are already buying.

3) Find suitable products. Go to to browse for affiliate products that are similar to what the market is already buying. Be sure to read the products and research the merchant to make sure you're dealing with a good merchant.

4) Set up a lead-capture page. NEVER send your leads straight to the merchant's page. Instead, set up an autoresponder series and a related freebie (like a free ebook) to get all leads on your mailing list. THEN you can recommend that those on your mailing list purchase certain products.

5) Start sending traffic to your lead capture page, using pay per click marketing, search engine optimization, article marketing, blogging, social media marketing, forum marketing, viral marketing and similar strategies.

That's it! Just build a list of targeted buyers, find affiliate products that solve their problems, and recommend those products.

Just like that, you're on a path to $10,000 a month!

To Your Success,
Allen Payne

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 8, 2013

Conclusion: pick your cash cow!


Congratulations - you now know five proven ways to earn $10,000 every month! Let's recap your "5T Formula". Five ways to make ten thousand dollars every month:

#1 - TYPE Your Way to $10,000 - Someone wants to pay for what YOU know!

#2 - TEAM Up With Other Marketers - and make a bundle with affiliate marketing.

#3 - TAP Into the Backend Automatically - Membership sites provide a passive income.

#4 - TAG and Ping Your Way to Riches - You could be the next $10,000+ per month blogger in your niche!

#5 - TWEAK and Flip Info Products - You can buy PLR products and sell them for a nice profit!

Now that you know these five profit strategies -

There's only one thing left for you to do: Choose one.

Don't agonize over this decision. The reason is because these are all proven ways to make at least $10,000 per month.

The "best" one is easy to spot - it's the one that looks the most attractive to you. The one that suits your lifestyle is the one that will bring you the most money!

So go ahead and choose your cash cow right now (yes, now)... and then get started working on your path to riches!

To Your Success,
Allen Payne

Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 8, 2013

Making Money Online - what's the BIG "secret"?

Hi ,

I don't often use the word "secret" when sharing advice about online marketing. The truth is, that word is a bit scammy to me.

But with more and more people trying their hand at internet marketing -- and EVERYONE who has a website -- the question of what's the internet marketing "secret" comes up over and over again.

Why is it that some people are successful and some people can go on for years and never make it work?

Well, I believe there are many factor that go into how successful you'll be online.

First of all, do you have the drive and belief in yourself? Many successful internet marketers declare that this is really all it takes. Tenacity, dedication, and belief in yourself. When you think about it, they could be right.

Another "secret" is being able to leverage off of the experience and knowledge of those who are successful.

Of all the ways, this is the one I believe most in. I mean, What better way to break into internet marketing than to be under the tutelage of someone who is a proven success?

There are several ways you can do this. You can sign up for some of the free material that they offer, such as videos, e-books, webinars, courses, etc.

You can pay a little more for some of their "unpersonalized" methods. Or you can get one-on-one or close to it from these people themselves. This is a great way to see what is really working in today's internet marketing world. It changes so quickly that if you are new, you could be doing things that worked years ago, but are now outdated.

Finally, do your best to avoid jumping around from one course, e-book, or program to the next will just leave you spinning your wheels in confusion.

Hope my short advice today has been helpful.

Talk to you next time.

To Your Success,
Allen Payne