Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 8, 2013

The #1 Earning Page on the SPI Blog


How are you? I hope all is well!

I just wanted to give you a quick tip today, which is something that I use on my own blog that is a win for you because it will help you make extra money, and a win for your readers because you'll be helping them out too.

What is it?

A resource or tools page.

It's totally underused in the online and blogging world (in my opinion), but it totally rocks.
 As you can see, a resource page is simply a page (not a post), on your blog or website that has links to things that are useful for you and your readers in your specific niche.

On my resource page, for example, I have links to hosting companies, shopping carts, keyword research tools, books, etc. - anything an upcoming online entrepreneur might find useful.

The trick is this: about 90% of these links are affiliate links, meaning I will get paid a commission each time someone purchases or uses a service that I recommend on that page.

Each month, I see $3000+ come directly from this page alone. It's non-aggressive, because I'm not forcing anyone to view it or pitching anything like a salesmen, and people find it helpful too because everything they need is conveniently located in one spot.

So, if you haven't done so already, you should really consider creating a resource page for your site. Here are some final tips that you can take with you:

Make sure you provide an easy way to access your resource page. A link in your navigation menu/bar does the trick for me.
On the resource page itself, categorize the kinds of links you place on the page. It will make it easier to scan through, so people can get exactly what they might be looking for.
Don't forget to include your favorite books from The commissions are small from these books, but you also get a piece of any other products that person buys when they are sent to Amazon from your specific link.
Don't forget to use some kind of tracking method to keep track of how many pageviews you have, and how many clicks you get for each link. You can use a tool such as or in order to do this.
The best products and links to place on your resource page are ones that you've actually used before, which have helped you learn something valuable that others should learn too.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this week' tip! Here's to you and your online success.



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