Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 7, 2013

Money is in the list


I'm back in touch again this Thursday with more online marketing tips.

I'll be brief today. Let's talk about Email Marketing.

Building a list of subscribers for email marketing is one of the MOST fundamental strategies online. It is also pretty boring, so many people tend to overlook it.

In fact, building an optin list that you can market and re-market to, is a core component of any business. Whether you use GetResponse, iContact, Constant Contact or Aweber, it's an essential.

The reason is it becomes your silent-ever-present salesperson, available 24/7 365 to stay in front of people.

Much like this message right now. :)

But make sure your email followup process provides the reader with solid takeaway and value.

There's no need focusing on Facebook and Twitter when you're lacking a simple core strategy such as building your opt-in lists. In my view, your subscriber lists trumps ANYTHING and everything social media related today.

Short and sweet and hope it helps.

Talk next time.

To Your Success,
Allen Payne

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