Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 7, 2013

My Addiction: Do You Have it Too?

Hey !

you're probably wondering what my addiction is. It's a serious problem, but it's not anything like drugs, or gambling or anything like that.

What is it then?

It's checking my online statistics.

Ever since I started blogging and doing business online, I've checked my website stats several times a day. Sometimes up to 20 to 30 times a day, because they're so fun to look at! I love checking my web traffic, counting my Twitter followers and Facebook Fans, and number of sales too.

I recently realized, however, that checking stats that often does absolutely nothing, and really it slows down production because you're constantly interrupting what you're supposed to be doing.

Even though it takes just a minute or two, those minutes quickly add up - especially when you think about it over the period of a year, for example.

When talking to other bloggers and internet marketers about this problem, a lot of people feel the exact same way. I think it's pretty common because when we're first starting out, the traffic and all of the other statistics are what keep us going, and it's what we strive for. But, constantly checking won't change the numbers. Spending time on your content, your marketing strategies, your newsletter or website design - those things will help your numbers.

It's still important to check stats, don't get me wrong, but I've recently made an effort to only check my stats once a day, at 5pm - and that's it. Checking it any number of times before that is just a waste of time.

Like my Dad always says: "A watched pot never boils".

Do you have this issue, or is it just me?

Thanks viet!



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