Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 7, 2013

Can Blogs REALLY Earn Passive Income?

I hope you're doing well!
A lot of people who learn about what I do understand that I have a bunch of businesses that earn a passive income each and every month (my LEED exam website, my iPhone app business, etc.) but then they see how much work I do for the Smart Passive Income Blog (and the podcast), and they tell me that a blog definitely is not passive because of all the work it takes to maintain.
At first, I usually agreed with the majority. A blog definitely isn't a means of passive income because a blog does take a lot of constant and consistent work. If you want to build a community of fans and build a ton of authority and trust, you definitely can't just write a few posts and let it run on auto-pilot like you can do with a niche site, for example.
That being said, a thought occurred to me the other day that I thought was sort of interesting. A blog can earn money passively, just not 100% hands-off like some other types of online businesses.
You see, when you write a blog post and maybe use it to sell a product or recommend a product that you are an affiliate for, after it's published it's up there forever - as long as your blog stays alive. 
The more you post, the more opportunities there are for people to land on one of your posts from Google, or search through your archives and possibly click through an affiliate link that you posted however long ago.
So in essence, each and every post you write is a passive income opportunity. Even if it doesn't include a link to a product, it could be a post that someone enjoys and uses to learn more about what you do and eventually land on a post that does include an affiliate link or a product that you sell.
Of course, you'd have to maintain the blog and keep your community thriving, which is why this isn't a 100% hands off passive income method, but you're not trading your hours for dollars and you do give yourself an opportunity to make money while you sleep. 
This is why when people ask me what would I do if I had to start all over again, I say I wouldn't change a thing - I'd start a blog and build a community around something I enjoy writing about.
Just some food for thought for you today. Keep writing, keep pushing along, keep providing great content and you're going to arrive at great things in your business and in life.
Best regards,


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