Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013

The Importance Of Keyword Research For Your Blog Posts

Keyword research is one of the most important
pieces of your online business, but it is also one
of the most overlooked.

The truth is you can have great content on your
blog that provides real value to your readers,
but if your keyword research is bad it won't
matter because no one is ever going to see it.

Keyword research is how you get your blog
posts ranked by the search engines so people
will actually see them.

Picking the right words can get you ranked,
picking the wrong words can put your post on
page 137.

The key to keyword research is finding words
that have a decent amount of traffic, but that
also don't have very much competition.

If you reach the number 1 spot for a keyword
that has no traffic, it doesn't help your blog at

On the flip side, if you spend your time trying
to rank for a keyword that has too much
competition, it could take years before you see
any results.

The best option is usually to focus your blog
posts on "long tailed keywords".

What this means is that instead of writing a
blog post about "dog collars" (which will have a
huge amount of competition), you should write
about "red leather dog collars".  The large pet
stores likely have the highest rankings for dog
collars and you will never be able to compete.

You will have a much better chance of getting
ranked for long tailed keywords rather than the
short ones.

After you begin to achieve high rankings for
multiple keywords and your blog starts building
credibility with Google and the other search
engines, you can begin to target keywords that
are a little more competitive.

Of course, you also need to pick keywords that
are relevant to your blog.  If you're writing a
post about picking relevant keywords, it won't
help you at all to be ranked for "how to set up a
I hope this has helped you to understand the
importance of keyword research.

Coming Up With Content Ideas For Blog Posts

When you're getting started with blogging, sometimes
it can be difficult to come up with enough topics to
write about.

This can be a form of writer's block that prevents you
from even deciding on a topic to write about.

However, if you know the right places to look, you
will discover that the topics you can write about really
are unlimited.

The first thing you should do is start a list.

Anytime you come up with an idea for a future post,
write it down somewhere.

You should even keep a paper and pencil next to
your bed because sometimes the best ideas happen
late at night or when you first wake up.

You may think that you will be able to remember
your great idea, but it usually doesn't happen that way
- write it down.

You should also keep this list visible as a constant
reminder that you're looking for possible topics.

Once you get into a habit of keeping track of your
ideas, your list will eventually become large enough so
you have multiple topics to pick from.

Visiting several websites that are related to your topic
is another way to come up with ideas for your blog.

An easy way to do this is to subscribe to an RSS feed
or set your home page to show the latest headlines
from these websites.

Once a week, scan the headlines and look for ideas to
add to your list.

Sometimes it will be helpful to also keep track of the
url for the article you saw to use as a reference when
you start writing your blog post.
In my next email to you I will explain how to write
killer headlines to capture your visitor's interest.
Warm Regards,
Suzanne Howarth


I have seen so many people start a list using
a free autoresponder or a free website
It's important to build brand awareness and
develop a relationship with your subscribers
Part of that process is looking credible
So that users know you can be trusted.
When your subscribers trust you that will buy
from you when you make recommendations
You should also register your own domain name
and set up professional hosting accounts and
autoresponder accounts.
Here are the resources to do so:
Use your name in the emails

Always start your emails with a brand that makes
them stand out in the subject line
For example putting anything in brackets makes
it stand out
example email subject lines;
[Lose 10 Pounds] How to Diet Right in 2013
[Free Video] How to Meet Rich Men Online in 2013
Till tomorrow!

Ewen chia

Writing Killer Headlines For Your Blog Posts

If you're just starting a blog, one of the biggest keys
to your success is getting people to read your blog.

The only way you can do that is to capture your
visitor's interest.

While you may have the world's best blog post, if
your headline doesn't capture their interest it won't

In fact, it would be more beneficial to have an
average blog post with a great headline than to have
a poor headline with an amazing blog post.

You need to get the potential reader engaged.

So how do you write a good headline?

Some of the best headlines you can write deal with
numbers and tips... 

Example -
5 Tips to Losing Belly Fat and Getting 6-Pack Abs

People love to read tips.  They know that most of
the tips they'll read will be short and concise and
what they want.

Also, writing about a specific number gives you an
idea of how you can outline your blog post.

Instead of running into a wall, you'll know that you
need at least 5 tips to make your blog post

Another great way to create an interesting headline
is to use a benefit...

If you're writing about weight loss, you want them
to see the benefit of losing weight, such as looking
great in a swimsuit.

However, one of the most powerful headlines you
can use is benefit+curiosity to create one that will be
guaranteed to get read...

Example -

3 Unwritten Rules to Losing Weight and Looking
Great in a Bikini.

This is a great example of a benefit+curiosity based

They'll want to find out what the "Unwritten Rules"
are and they'll be more likely to open your blog
post and read it.

To conclude, if your headline isn't interesting to them,
there is no way they're going to click on it.
Warm Regards,
Suzanne Howarth

Here's How to Get Noticed in Any Niche

After re-reading a lot of books lately (which I do all of the time), including my favorites like The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, and Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk, I honestly think that anyone can get noticed and become successful in almost any niche. The books are great and go into a lot of the "what you can achieve" type stuff, but they don't really get far into the "how you can achieve" type stuff, which is obviously super important and probably more of what you need right now. That's why I wanted to take some time to write this email for you below.
I'm basing the following information on my success as an online businessman and blogger who pretty much came out of nowhere, with almost no business experience whatsoever. I've been able to succeed both in a super small niche, as well as in a super over-crowded niche of "making money online." So, with whatever niche you're in or looking to get into, you should try to apply these 2 simple rules as much as possible, which I've always applied to my own projects.
Rule #1: Stay the Course
Rule #1 is simple, but nothing works if you keep changing your mind.
Stop changing your mind. Stop doubting yourself and your decisions, pick something, believe in it, and go for it. This rule alone will get you where you need to go and stop you from falling short of success.
Remember this when it comes to rule #2.
Rule #2: Be Different
The point here is to stand out, and the best way to do that is to be different. That's why we can still find Waldo (with his candy-cane striped shirt and red cap) amongst a sea of people on a page. He's unique.
This is exactly how I've found success online. I saw what everyone else was doing, and did something different. What everyone else is doing is what consumers and readers all eventually get used to. Choose to go the same path, and you'll just blend in with the rest.
Here are some personal examples to prove it to you:
With my exam prep website, I was the only one to ever offer an audio guide. I pitched it as a way to study for the exam while in your car to and from work, or while at the gym. Because I was the only one to do this, it became a huge hit and helped me to earn over $30,000 in one single month.
Also, all of the other exam prep websites had "support tickets" that people had to fill out in order to get their questions answered. All I had to do was show a personal looking email address (with my name in it, which is important), that people could use to contact me if they had any questions. I included this in all of the products I offered as well. Whenever I received an email, I responded right away. Word spread, and my site became known as the only place to get an immediate, direct response to a question. Of course, because I wanted to keep things as passive as possible, I included FAQs on the site that people could read before contacting me, which totally minimized the amount of emails I'd get. However, just seeing my email address there anyways helped to make people believe that I was always there to help.
With the Smart Passive Income Blog, I do even more to "be different". There are so many other "make money online" blogs out there all doing the same thing, that it actually became very easy for me to stand out.
For one, I don't hide anything. I tell it all from my own experience, even the failures or that parts that I sucked at.
Secondly, I tell people exactly where my money comes from, down to the penny. If you're a loyal reader of my blog, you know that my monthly income reports tend to be the most popular and most commented posts I that write.
Thirdly, I made sure I had a totally customized blog theme that no one else had.
Fourthly, I blog a lot about my personal life. A lot of you probably know that I have a dog named Gizmo and a son named Keoni. Maybe you've even seen the wedding video of my wife and I who turned a boring wedding dance into a killer hip-hop routine. I see so many other owners of make money online blogs who don't even use their real name, or show one picture of themselves. Sad.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, I don't hard sell or promote anything. This has probably been the key to my success, but with so many people going online today to try and make a buck, everyone is getting tired of seeing ads and promotions. That's why you'll very rarely see them here in this newsletter, and why my blog is virtually ad free. Now that's totally being different, right?
Even though this is the case, I am still able to earn a lot of money from the blog. This happens because I've gained people's trust, and when I do mention a product I've used and one that I trust in my own businesses, other people are happy to click on my affiliate links.
So, how can you be different?
I'm sure there are a thousand ways, both small and extreme that you can do to be different. Check out what all of your competitors are doing, and don't do that. Find something common between the websites that are in your same niche, and do the opposite.
This is how The-4 Hour Work Week became a success. There was no other book like it, and it was a mindset that totally went against the norm.
This is how Gary Vaynerchuk of Crush It! became a success too, by streaming live TV and talking wine to "regular" people.
What are you going to do differently?

Monetizing Your Blog For Profit - Part 1 (Adsense)

One of the most amazing benefits of blogging is the ability
to earn money from writing about something you love, and
at the same time inspiring more people to find out about
your chosen topic.

A popular method of earning money from blogging is
enrolling in the Google Adsense program, which allows
you to earn money each time a visitor clicks on an advert
on your blog.

Implementing Adsense on a blog is very straight forward.
To start visit:

Once you have been approved you will be given a code to
place on your websites.

To add the code to your blog, the easiest way is to add a
widget. Use a Text widget in the Widget area of your blog
and copy paste the code.

The biggest strength of Google's Adsense technology is its
ability to match ads to content, using a process called
contextual matching.

Contextual matching allows the readers of your blog to see
ads related to the article they are reading, for example a
link to a camera store on the latest digital camera review.

Some people prefer not have the standard adsense ads on
their blogs as visitors know they are paying you when they
click on a link. A way to advoid this, which not many
bloggers know about is to use Google Adsense For Search.

Google Adsense For Search is easy to implement. By using
a plugin called "Google Adsense Accelerator". This plugin
will add a custom Google search box to the header of your
blog, as well as a custom search box to the foot of every
post with a "call to action". Your visitors won't even know
it's Google Adsense.
 Google Adsense Accelerator will give you the potential to
increase your Adsense income.

Once you have had your ad code on the blog for a while
you will start to see your statistics displayed in the
Adsense control panel, such as the number of times your
ads have been shown, how many were clicked, and how
much you have earned.

Adsense is a very simple monetization option for bloggers,
so why not give it a try to see how much you could earn?

Warm Regards,

Suzanne Howarth

Pat's Super Secret Way to Find Content To Write About

So as I mentioned before, I have a lot of tips and tricks to share with you that will not be posted on the blog, and this is one of them.
If you're struggling with figuring out what to write about, whether it's for your next blog post, or that eBook you're working on, try this method out:
1. Go to and type in keywords that are related to your niche. For example, if your site or eBook was about flyfishing, you'd type in flyfishing in the search field.
2. Locate the top books in the search results, and click on one of them. This will open up the page that shows you what it's about, how much it costs, etc.
3. Look inside the cover. The cool thing that Amazon does is that it shows us the first few and the last few pages of most of their books. And what page is always shown when you "look inside"?
The Table Of Contents
The table of contents will show you exactly what kinds of things people are talking about within that niche. So, for ourflyfishing example, in one of the top books, I see the following:
Part 1: Flyfishing
1. Introduction
2. Understanding Fly Tackle
3. How to Fly Cast
4. Fly-Fishing Tactics
5. The Biology of Fish
...and so on and so forth.
Now, you don't want to just copy each of these parts of the table of contents verbatim and use them yourself. They are too general! They should, however, give you ideas on what you can write about. 
So for example, here are some blog post titles or chapters of eBooks that I've derived just from this part of the table of contents:
5 Types of Fly Fishing Tackle and the One That Works Best
What Exactly Triggers a Fish to Eat Your Artificial Lure
Why That Fish Won't Even Look at Your Fly
The Beginner's Guide to Casting a Fly Rod
How to Practice Fly Casting 
8 Fly-Fishing Tips to Give Yourself the Best Chance to Catch Fish
Advanced Fly Tackle - For Serious Fisherman Only
You get the idea. 
We're basically getting a boost of inspiration from looking inside the covers of these books. If you think about it, a lot of money went into helping the authors figure out how to organize and determine what they were going to write about, so now you can use that as your own starting point to make even better content for your eBook or blog.
So try it out. Go to Amazon, enter a keyword, look inside the covers, find the table of contents, and get inspired.
I hope you've enjoyed this tip. There are definitely more to come. Thanks, and best of luck to you! Cheers!

Monetizing Your Blog For Profit

When you know how to monetize your blog with
affiliate programs, you will quickly see that there
is limitless earning potential for your online
Some of the better known programs you may have
heard of are Ebay and Amazon, and bloggers are
making substantial income with these sites.
But you can also become an affiliate for major
retail stores or even sell items such as ebooks,
through sites like Clickbank.
Amazon and Clickbank are perfect for those who
are new to blogging, because they don't require that
your blog must have a lot of traffic or posts to be
accepted into the program.
Some affiliate programs have lengthy applications
and often the site won't approve you until you have
an active blog that is showing promise.
Don't let this discourage you, however - start with
an affiliate program, like Amazon, so you can start
generating affiliate revenue early on, which will
motivate you during the slow, early stages of
Visit websites and companies that would provide
perfect affiliate products for your blog in the future,
check if they have affiliate programs available.
As an example, if you had blogs that focused on pet
products, you can begin by featuring Amazon items
but in the long term, your goal might be to become
an affiliate for a big chain like Petco or Petsmart
once you meet their application criteria.
No matter which businesses you intend to apply to,
to become an affiliate, once your blog is really
generating traffic, be certain to diversify and not
put all of your eggs in one basket (program), in the
event that the company would cease offering
programs for affiliates.
Warm Regards,
Suzanne Howarth

Identifying A Profitable Niche Using The 3x3x3 Rule

Finding your blogging niche, especially one that is profitable, should be something you carefully consider before starting at blog.
Ideally you should select a blog subject about which you are passionate and knowledgeable.
One of the first things to consider are your own personal interests. This is important because a blogger who is passionate and knowledgeable about a particular subject will not only have an easy time coming up with ideas for new blog posts but is more likely be highly successful. The blog visitors  will be able to sense your passion for the subject matter and appreciate more what you write in your posts.
Blog subjects can be widely popular or only of interest to a small section of the population. However, there will likely be interested readers regardless of the subject of the blog. If your aim when blogging is to profit and make an income then you should select a topic which appeals to a larger audience.
I recommend you select a niche that is evergreen and avoid short term fads. Evergreen markets are where there’s always a ready and willing target audience to pursue and it will not change tomorrow. This is important to the long term income potential of your blog.
Identifying A Profitable Niche Using The 3x3x3 Rule
**There are 3 golden categories of profitable niches. These are:
1. Health
2. Wealth
3. Relationships
Write down a list of niches that interest you, from these 3 broader topics.
**Do some research to narrow it down. When researching a niche there are 3 important factors you need to look at:
1. Who is your target audience?
Your target audience are people who are interested in your topic. This can include age, gender, income etc. For example, are they cash poor college students or do they have discretionary income to spend on a hobby, such as golf.
2. Are there enough products?
Are there enough products within your niche that you can earn money from? Some niches are more for information gatherers rather than buyers and you would need to create your own products. Others naturally have tons of affiliate products that you can provide to your visitors and earn a commission when they buy.
3. Content Availability
A profitable niche is one where you can provide lots of content to your readers. There should be lots of angles and key phrases to write about over time. New content is key to bringing in traffic and search engine ranking.
**Human emotions also play an important role. There are 3 conflicting human emotions that make a profitable niche:
1. Pleasure / Pain
2. Hope / Fear
3. Social Acceptance / Rejection
By focusing on the 3x3x3 rule above, you will be well on your way to choosing a niche that will make your blog a profitable success.

3 Easy Steps To Choosing A Niche For A Profitable Blog

Learning how to choose a niche for your blog is
one of the most important things that you can do
to get your blog setup for it's longterm growth
and success.

The good news is that this can quiet often be
done in 3 quick and easy steps.

Step 1

It is important that you choose a topic that you
are interested in because you either already know
a lot about it or it should be a topic that you have
a strong interest in learning about.

The reason for this is because to be a successful
blogger you will need to spend a lot of time
immersed in your topic.

This could involve doing keyword research and
writing articles for your niche or it could be
doing link building by making forum or blog
posts with helpful comments that drive traffic
back to your blog.

Step 2

Next, because we do live in a money based
society, you should do some market and
keyword research to make sure that there is a
large enough buyers market with low enough
competition, for it to be profitable for you.

Step 3

Look for a way to be a unique and valuable
contributor to this niche.

It is important that you identify what will set you
and your blog apart from all of the other blogs
currently online.

This could be something as basic as your
commitment to high quality information or your
ability to tell things in an interesting and
exciting new way.

Another powerful way to find profitable niches
is by using the 3x3x3 rule. I have explained how
this works in one of my blog posts.You can
check it out now by visiting this link:

How Do I Get Traffic?

an expert at any particular subject, just share your
opinions and honesty with others.

When you create an account you'll get a chance to add your own
signature and link.

Add something like "Struggling To Make Money Online? Download
This eBook For FREE - YOUR WEBSITE LINK", or "Still Paying For
Internet Marketing Training? Why Not Get Them For FREE -
YOUR WEBSITE LINK" and socialize with others.

The threads at the top get the most views and older threads get
pushed down the page so it's worth to posting every now and
again to keep the traffic flow going. The more you get involved,
the more your posts will show up along with your signature link.
Don't spam as it will clearly show and get you banned.

Once you've made several replies, you'll be able to start a new
thread of your own and direct people to your great free resource
(squeeze page)!

Method #2 - Email Signature

Since you've already got your own forum signature, why not copy
that into your email signature?

Every time you email someone, friends, colleagues, social
network sites and so on, you'll have a link right after your
email which will spark some curiosity.

It doesn't take long to add and can continue to bring in new
subscribers even when you've long forgotten about it!

Method #3 - Blog Post Comments

Again this is really easy to do. Just like forum marketing, you
simply reply to a blog post related to your subject.

Most blogs allow you to leave a URL so read the blog post so you
can make an intelligent comment. A simple search for 'make money
blog' on Google will bring back the most popular blogs - ones
which get a lot of traffic and ones you should be socializing
and making comments in!

These are some of the easier traffic methods to apply yet are
still overlooked by many marketers. You want to be where all the
social activity is happening and you want to in forums related
to your niche.

From there you can interact, help others and leave a link back
to your website or squeeze page. This is the essence of getting


Are You Suffering From Information Overload?

Trước khi chúng ta nói về viết blog có lợi nhuận, 
Tôi muốn chia sẻ điều này với bạn. Đây là một 
Khó khăn lớn nhất của các nhà tiếp thị phải 
vượt qua để thành công, trong đó có tôi. 

Hầu hết những người cố gắng để tạo ra một doanh nghiệp 
trực tuyến đang chán nản sớm vì 
của tình trạng quá tải thông tin. 

Đó là một khu rừng trên mạng, với rất nhiều 
cạnh tranh và bạn có thể trở thành một cách nhanh chóng 
quá tải. 

Bạn liên tục nhận được tải 
và chào hàng, trái, phải và trung tâm, từ 
tiếp thị khác. Tất cả họ đều cho rằng nếu bạn 
đọc "này" hay mua "cái đó", bạn sẽ cuối cùng 
thành công. 

Tôi đã phạm tội trên đăng ký vào 
và chi tiêu rất nhiều tiền vào sản phẩm 
và chương trình không cung cấp mà 
"Ma thuật công thức". 

Để khắc phục điều này, tôi thấy tôi cần thiết để 
hít một hơi thật sâu, bước trở lại và sử dụng 
phán đoán tốt nhất của tôi. Những gì sẽ làm việc cho 
người khác có thể không làm việc cho bạn. 

Dưới đây là một số lời khuyên mà tôi muốn 
chia sẻ với bạn. Đây là cách tôi bắt đầu 
sắp xếp thông qua các "mớ hỗn độn": 

* Chỉ có đăng ký vào các danh sách mà 
có lợi cho phong cách của bạn làm việc. 
Thoát khỏi phần còn lại. Không có gì là tồi tệ hơn 
hơn một email quá tải hộp thư đến đó 
mất hàng giờ để có được thông qua mỗi ngày. 

* Dừng chi tiêu những gì tiền bạn có 
trên tất cả các đề nghị mà đến theo cách của bạn. 
Không có bất kỳ ma thuật plug-in phần mềm 
sẽ làm tất cả công việc cho bạn, trong khi 
bạn rake trong sự phong phú. Như tất cả mọi thứ 
trong cuộc sống, để thành công bạn cần phải đặt trong 
nỗ lực và làm việc để đạt được thành công. 

* Đừng cố gắng để tham gia với tất cả mọi thứ 
cùng một lúc. FOCUS là chìa khóa. Bạn cần 
được chọn lọc với những gì bạn quảng bá. 
Tập trung vào một hoặc hai chương trình khuyến mãi 
cùng một lúc. Quan trọng nhất, BIẾT 
những gì bạn đang quảng bá ... bạn sẽ thấy 
giá trị nếu nó đã được đề nghị đối với bạn? 

* Ưu tiên và tổ chức cuộc sống của bạn. 

Đây là một báo cáo mà tôi tìm thấy hữu ích khi 
Tôi bắt đầu cảm thấy quá tải thông tin 
và mọi thứ dường như ngoài tầm kiểm soát của tôi ... 

"Nhận Tự do của bạn Trở lại - 38 cách để 
Sống, thở và làm việc tốt hơn Trên 
Internet! "Của Ewen Chia. 

Bạn có thể dowload nó miễn phí tại đây 
(Không có lựa chọn trong bắt buộc): 

Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc sẽ chỉ 
muốn chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của riêng bạn với tôi, 
xin vui lòng trả lời email này. 

Lời chúc mừng ấm áp, 

Suzanne Howarth 

Business blogs are an important marketing tool for any company. New content will improve SEO ranking and help propel a company’s website to the top of Internet search engine listings. A higher ranking will drive more targeted traffic to a businesses website. When a company creates a blog, it is creating an individual voice for their business. Clients can leave comments and receive feedback quickly promoting the idea of personal customer service. A business blog creates an atmosphere of trust and openness, which in turn generates a greater brand loyalty to a company. A business blog can also establish a business as a leader in its industry. A business can lend credibility to their knowledge and character by providing information to educate its customers. By continually updating a blog with new articles, a company shows it is committed to its product or service and provides customers a reason to continually return to a website. In this day and age, a blog is a very important part of building your online presence and driving traffic to your main website. Do you have a blog? If not, I can help! Much Success! Handoko Tantra P.S. Don't go with a "free" blog that isn't hosted by a company you have hired because you have no control over what happens to all of your work and content.

Business blogs are an important marketing tool for any company.
New content will improve SEO ranking and help propel a company’s
website to the top of Internet search engine listings.  A higher ranking
will drive more targeted traffic to a businesses website.

When a company creates a blog, it is creating an individual voice for
their business.  Clients can leave comments and receive feedback
quickly promoting the idea of personal customer service.  A business
blog creates an atmosphere of trust and openness, which in turn
generates a greater brand loyalty to a company.

A business blog can also establish a business as a leader in its
industry. A business can lend credibility to their knowledge and
character by providing information to educate its customers.
By continually updating a blog with new articles, a company shows
it is committed to its product or service and provides customers
a reason to continually return to a website.

In this day and age, a blog is a very important part of building your
online presence and driving traffic to your main website. Do you
have a blog? If not, I can help!

Much Success!

Handoko Tantra

P.S. Don't go with a "free" blog that isn't hosted by a company you
have hired because you have no control over what happens to all of
your work and content.

5 Reasons Why Your Next Big Idea Might Fail

If you're anything like me, new business ideas run through your brain each and every day. Sometimes, we come across a few particular ideas that we just can't stop thinking about - because they are that good!
I think you know what I'm talking about.
Constant brainstorming, rapid note taking, and visions of success are all symptoms of this sort of "business bug". 
Many times, however, after a couple of days or even a couple of months, the motivation behind these great ideas just seem to die out and never evolve into the next step.  It's kind of sad, because I'm sure many of those ideas were awesome, money-making ideas.
If we can understand why this happens, then I think we can stop the momentum from slowing down and start taking things to the next level. Here are 5 main reasons why I think ideas in our head take a turn for the worse:
1. We're Not Seeing Any Results
We live in a time where we all want things to happen FAST. I mean, Google searches take .000012 seconds, and we all perform these searches each and every day. It's what we're used to.
Ideas take time to materialize, so quitting or giving up before anything even begins to happen is a sure-fire way to kill a great idea. Remember what your goals are and why you were so excited about your idea in the first place.
One trick I learned is to map out your "path"or roadmap. Write down the steps you think it takes to get to where you want to go, and you'll see that you're only in the beginning phases of the entire process. But, seeing the rest of your "roadmap" (including your goal) on paper will definitely give you the boost you need to keep going.
2. We're Unsure of What To Do Next
This happens all of the time, but it definitely shouldn't stop us. We've just reached a hurdle, and we just have to do a little more research (or simply ask someone for help!), in order to jump over it.
Also, you can go back to your "roadmap" and see what the next steps are. And, remember to take things one step at a time.
"Cinch by the inch, hard by the yard."
3.  We Just Don't Care Anymore
For whatever reason, you've lost sight of why you're working so hard. When it comes to motivation, here's what you can do:
  • Remember why you were so excited about your idea in the first place! Envision what life will be like at the end of the tunnel.
  • Read an inspirational book. My favorites are Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk, and The 4-Hour WorkWeek, by Tim Ferriss.
  • Display your favorite quotes. At my desk, I have this quote posted up on the wall next to my computer:"The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Become."Reading that always gets me going again.
  • Talk it out with someone. If you're feeling low on energy, sometimes all we need is a pick me up from a buddy. That's why so many people say it's a lot easier to go to the gym or stay on a diet if there's someone else there with them.
  • Take a quick break. We often work on something so much that we forget why we're doing it. Take a day or two off, and you'll often see the motivation come back in no time. 
4. We're Not Sure if Our Idea is as Great as We Thought it Was
Maybe you're having second-thoughts about your idea. Maybe it's not as awesome as you thought. This is the thought that pops into my head more often than the others, and it's definitely a downer. But here's what you can do to keep your idea alive.
Simply put - think positive thoughts. Have you ever heard of "The Law of Attraction"? It basically states that people's thoughts dictate the reality of their lives. In other words, think positively, and positive things will happen to you.
Also, you have to realize that you're not going to succeed unless you give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen? If you're doing business online, the worst is probably not as bad as you think it could be.
5. We See Someone Else Doing Something Similar, and It Seems Better
Okay, so someone "stole' your idea, or they beat you to it. Either way, it doesn't matter. Here's why:
  • That fact that you see someone else doing something similar to what you had in mind is actuallya good thing! In fact, it shows that it was such a great idea, that others are already using it to make money for themselves. There's a proven market for it, and now it's your turn to join in.
  • The Dry Cleaners Theory: Have you ever noticed how many dry cleaners there are in one location? Here in San Diego, there are over 600 (according to the yellow pages). My point is this: you don't need have a unique idea in order for it to succeed. And if there a need for something, there's always room for more options and solutions in the market.
  • Lastly, all you have to do is make yours better. Put some thought into why people will choose to visityour website, read your content, and purchase fromyou, instead of someone else.
I know this was a rather long email, and I do apologize about that. But I hope you would agree that staying on course and jumping over hurdles is the backbone for the success of any business or blog, which is why I spent some extra time on this email.
In my next email, we'll move away from the mindset stuff and start to get into some "action-taking" items that will help immediately your online business or blog. Until then, thank you so much for your time and support!
All the best to you! Cheers!