Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013

Writing Killer Headlines For Your Blog Posts

If you're just starting a blog, one of the biggest keys
to your success is getting people to read your blog.

The only way you can do that is to capture your
visitor's interest.

While you may have the world's best blog post, if
your headline doesn't capture their interest it won't

In fact, it would be more beneficial to have an
average blog post with a great headline than to have
a poor headline with an amazing blog post.

You need to get the potential reader engaged.

So how do you write a good headline?

Some of the best headlines you can write deal with
numbers and tips... 

Example -
5 Tips to Losing Belly Fat and Getting 6-Pack Abs

People love to read tips.  They know that most of
the tips they'll read will be short and concise and
what they want.

Also, writing about a specific number gives you an
idea of how you can outline your blog post.

Instead of running into a wall, you'll know that you
need at least 5 tips to make your blog post

Another great way to create an interesting headline
is to use a benefit...

If you're writing about weight loss, you want them
to see the benefit of losing weight, such as looking
great in a swimsuit.

However, one of the most powerful headlines you
can use is benefit+curiosity to create one that will be
guaranteed to get read...

Example -

3 Unwritten Rules to Losing Weight and Looking
Great in a Bikini.

This is a great example of a benefit+curiosity based

They'll want to find out what the "Unwritten Rules"
are and they'll be more likely to open your blog
post and read it.

To conclude, if your headline isn't interesting to them,
there is no way they're going to click on it.
Warm Regards,
Suzanne Howarth

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