Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013

Business blogs are an important marketing tool for any company. New content will improve SEO ranking and help propel a company’s website to the top of Internet search engine listings. A higher ranking will drive more targeted traffic to a businesses website. When a company creates a blog, it is creating an individual voice for their business. Clients can leave comments and receive feedback quickly promoting the idea of personal customer service. A business blog creates an atmosphere of trust and openness, which in turn generates a greater brand loyalty to a company. A business blog can also establish a business as a leader in its industry. A business can lend credibility to their knowledge and character by providing information to educate its customers. By continually updating a blog with new articles, a company shows it is committed to its product or service and provides customers a reason to continually return to a website. In this day and age, a blog is a very important part of building your online presence and driving traffic to your main website. Do you have a blog? If not, I can help! Much Success! Handoko Tantra P.S. Don't go with a "free" blog that isn't hosted by a company you have hired because you have no control over what happens to all of your work and content.

Business blogs are an important marketing tool for any company.
New content will improve SEO ranking and help propel a company’s
website to the top of Internet search engine listings.  A higher ranking
will drive more targeted traffic to a businesses website.

When a company creates a blog, it is creating an individual voice for
their business.  Clients can leave comments and receive feedback
quickly promoting the idea of personal customer service.  A business
blog creates an atmosphere of trust and openness, which in turn
generates a greater brand loyalty to a company.

A business blog can also establish a business as a leader in its
industry. A business can lend credibility to their knowledge and
character by providing information to educate its customers.
By continually updating a blog with new articles, a company shows
it is committed to its product or service and provides customers
a reason to continually return to a website.

In this day and age, a blog is a very important part of building your
online presence and driving traffic to your main website. Do you
have a blog? If not, I can help!

Much Success!

Handoko Tantra

P.S. Don't go with a "free" blog that isn't hosted by a company you
have hired because you have no control over what happens to all of
your work and content.

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