Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013

How Do I Get Traffic?

an expert at any particular subject, just share your
opinions and honesty with others.

When you create an account you'll get a chance to add your own
signature and link.

Add something like "Struggling To Make Money Online? Download
This eBook For FREE - YOUR WEBSITE LINK", or "Still Paying For
Internet Marketing Training? Why Not Get Them For FREE -
YOUR WEBSITE LINK" and socialize with others.

The threads at the top get the most views and older threads get
pushed down the page so it's worth to posting every now and
again to keep the traffic flow going. The more you get involved,
the more your posts will show up along with your signature link.
Don't spam as it will clearly show and get you banned.

Once you've made several replies, you'll be able to start a new
thread of your own and direct people to your great free resource
(squeeze page)!

Method #2 - Email Signature

Since you've already got your own forum signature, why not copy
that into your email signature?

Every time you email someone, friends, colleagues, social
network sites and so on, you'll have a link right after your
email which will spark some curiosity.

It doesn't take long to add and can continue to bring in new
subscribers even when you've long forgotten about it!

Method #3 - Blog Post Comments

Again this is really easy to do. Just like forum marketing, you
simply reply to a blog post related to your subject.

Most blogs allow you to leave a URL so read the blog post so you
can make an intelligent comment. A simple search for 'make money
blog' on Google will bring back the most popular blogs - ones
which get a lot of traffic and ones you should be socializing
and making comments in!

These are some of the easier traffic methods to apply yet are
still overlooked by many marketers. You want to be where all the
social activity is happening and you want to in forums related
to your niche.

From there you can interact, help others and leave a link back
to your website or squeeze page. This is the essence of getting


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