Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013


I have seen so many people start a list using
a free autoresponder or a free website
It's important to build brand awareness and
develop a relationship with your subscribers
Part of that process is looking credible
So that users know you can be trusted.
When your subscribers trust you that will buy
from you when you make recommendations
You should also register your own domain name
and set up professional hosting accounts and
autoresponder accounts.
Here are the resources to do so:
Use your name in the emails

Always start your emails with a brand that makes
them stand out in the subject line
For example putting anything in brackets makes
it stand out
example email subject lines;
[Lose 10 Pounds] How to Diet Right in 2013
[Free Video] How to Meet Rich Men Online in 2013
Till tomorrow!

Ewen chia

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